Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So the summer is coming to an end, and it is crazy how fast it's gone. My kids went to school for the first day, and I felt completely depressed, and panicked. This is a whole different ball game. Where is my life of purpose?!! Luckily Ashlyn has only half days, I can concentrate on me, and where I need to be, but I'm not used to that I thought I would be screaming FREEDOM, But no I want to sit on the ground, and BAWL!! Such different emotions running through me. I really need to focus on the good things like, I can go to lunch with a friend without screaming children running around the table. I can got to a store with glass in it, and not have to say, don't touch ten billion times. I can work on my book I have alway's wanted to write. I can go to lunch with my husband. I can go to the gym without a time restraint. I can work on my house that has gone to pot. I can volunteer once a week at the school with my kids. AHHH!!! This is what I needed there is lot's for me to do, in really little time so that is what I will focus on!! I'm not looking forward to next year!!

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