Saturday, July 11, 2009

And life goes on!!!!!

This is the first time that April has been out of the house in about two months!! For those of you that don't know she, and he girls have been living with me for a couple months, my mom and dad are also staying here until they build their house. April just had her third baby, and had an emergency c-section, then she got infected, and had to go back into the hospital, she is also going through a divorce!!! She is THE most amazing person in the world. Our family has truely been blessed having them here. My mom and I feel like Mary, and Martha. We take turns with who gets the baby, and helps her with getting up and taking meds. I honestly feel like this home has become a house of healing, it has been elevated, and everyone has stepped up to the plate, even the youngest. Trent loves it he feels like a POLYGAMIST!!! My parents are amazing with my kids, and we have enough space that we are not stepping on each other. They will be here for another 6 months so, we will have lot's of time to bond. It really has been awsome!! I will miss them when we go!!

1 comment:

aShLie JaNe said...

Awhhh.. those pictures... she is AMAZING. Can't wait til she can get out and have some fun for once! Poor girl. It sure had been neat to all be together all the time. I act like I live there, I might as well?? What do you tink?? :) haa.. ROOM FOR THREE MORE??? hmmm???